WAFA Terms of Use

The WAFA encourages comments and posts on our social media sites as a forum for you to contribute your thoughts about WAFA news and to participate in civil conversations about topical issues. By engaging with us in any way on social media, you agree to abide by our Social Media Terms of Use:

  • Be polite. Treat other people using the WAFA social media sites, including our staff moderators, with respect and courtesy. Comments using inappropriate language, which are abusive towards other users, or which appear to deliberately provoke arguments, will be deleted.
  • Don’t break the law. Do not post comments that are potentially defamatory, discriminatory, incite violence, infringe copyright or are otherwise unlawful. Messages that are factually wrong and misleading may also be deleted.
  • Stay on topic. News articles and opinion pieces are provided for you to discuss the articles’ content. Do not post messages which are irrelevant. Trolls will be banned or blocked.
  • Don’t dominate the conversation. WAFA reserves the right to hide or delete comments from participants who seek to dominate the discussion.
  • Don’t advertise. Contributions that seek to endorse commercial products or activities or solicit business will not be accepted. WAFA publishes links to other websites at its sole discretion.
  • Be transparent. Comments and posts must not intentionally impersonate other people.

These terms of use apply to all WAFA operated social media accounts and apply across all social media platforms.

Due to the design of some platforms, we may not be able to contact you to alert you if your content goes against WAFA’s Social Media Terms of Use. However, if you repeatedly violate these conditions, you may be banned from one or all WAFA social media pages.

Your participation in UOW’s social media sites is also governed by The WAFA Privacy Policy.

Each social media platform also has its own standards which you must abide by:

For further information or enquiries, please refer to the WAFA Social Media House Rules