Further information

Here at the Working Animals Federation of Australia, we strive to provide up-to-date, accurate information to the community. As a new member, we will endeavor to share with you as much information as you are interested in receiving.

We offer a range of services to members of the community and organizations including providing support to ensure policy and procedure are inclusive of Assistance Animals and their rights and free email updates on changes to Australian laws and other relevant topics.

To learn more about us and to explore our services please visit: https://workinganimalsfederationofaustralia.com.au

Thank you for completing our free short course on Assistance Animals. On the next page you will be able to download your certificate of completion, and you will receive your soft-copy logo for display on websites and advertising material via email within 24 hours. You are also welcomed to purchase an ‘Assistance Animal – Knowledge Tested’ decal for display at physical locations. We also have ‘Assistance Animals – Welcome’ decals available.

For purchase, please visit: To learn more about us and to explore our services please visit: https://workinganimalsfederationofaustralia.com.au/store